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Kenneth Byrd Jr. Verbals To The Allegheny College Gators

David Baugh

From senior quarterback Chaz Coleman to sophomore kicker Jaron "G.G." Edmonds, several Warren G. Harding's football players have been active in the camp circuit all summer long. Head coach Matt Richardson has done an excellent job of putting his young athletes in the position to showcase their talents in front of quality pairs of eyes. As a result, rewards have been reaped in the form of not just strong interest, but scholarship opportunities as well.

Just over two weeks ago on June 25, senior Airiz Coleman Bey got the ball rolling by accepting an athletic & academic scholarship to Brown University. On July 3, his classmate Kenneth Byrd Jr. became the latest Raider to declare as he verbally committed to Allegheny College in Meadville, Pennsylvania.

The opportunity to play at the next level for the 1990 NCAA Division III national champions is a dream come true for Byrd.

"I feel great!" Byrd said with excitement. "I feel like I've built a nice bond with the coaches and I love the atmosphere that they have there."

Every high school coach wants to see his/her athletes progress not only in their athletic careers, but in life overall. For Richardson, he's always grateful to see his young men be rewarded for their efforts not just on the field, but most importantly, their studies.

"This commitment shows that when you are dedicated in the classroom, you will be rewarded your hard work," Richardson said. "Kenny is a great example of that."

A defensive end for Harding, Byrd plans on taking a few steps back from the front four while placing his academic focus on the keyboard. For him, this experience has put everything in perspective.

"They recruited me for middle linebacker," Byrd said. "I would like to major in computer science and technology."

With the commitment under his belt, Byrd will now place his focus on his final high school football season. Lately, there's been plenty of positive energy brewing at 860 Elm Rd. in Warren and he's thrilled to be part of what many hope will be a huge step towards being a dominant force in Ohio.

"This decision has made me more focused than ever!" Byrd added. "I still have a full season to play with my brothers. I grew up with these guys and I’ll do whatever it takes to win.

"Coach Richardson has us all ready to make some noise this year, so we'll just keep working hard everyday so that we can make that happen this season."


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